The Invoices screen allows you to view, manage, and download invoices. You may download any or all of your invoices by checking the box to the left and choosing the CSV Download button at the top of the page. The CSV Download button will export your information into a spreadsheet. Now, you have the ability to download invoices within a specific date range. 

Choosing a Date Range 

  • Navigate to the "Active Invoices" page
  • Click the CSV Download button at top of the screen 

  • Next, you'll need to choose a date range. There are two easy ways to do this: 
    1. Click on any two digits in the date and type in the desired number 
    2. Click on the calendar icon to the right and select the date 

Once you've completed these steps, just click Download and your information will be exported to spreadsheet format. 

Note"Cost" & "Sales Tax" columns have been added to this download feature!