In Spraye, you have the option to add price overrides if necessary. There are a few different ways you can apply price overrides for your customers. We recommend applying these at the program level when you initially add a customer to a program. However, they can also be applied on the estimates, invoices, and removed or changed if needed. Please review the following options below: 

Add Price Override at the Program Level

This method is highly recommend. You can add price overrides for multiple customers simultaneously. It's important to note that using this option will only allow for one entry, meaning the price override is the same for each service. Please follow the steps below: 

  • Click on the program you'd like to add your customers to
  • Click the dropdown menu on the Property List field 
  • Begin checking the boxes next to the properties you'd like to add to the program
  • Note: Use the search bar to find your properties more quickly
  • Once everyone is selected, you may begin adding the price overrides in the box next each person's name
  • If you have different price overrides per service, see the next option for adding overrides to estimates

Add Price Override to an Estimate 

Please use this method if you need to add price overrides that are different amounts per service. See steps below or refer to the video above for more help: 

  • Navigate to the estimates page 
  • Click + New Estimate at the top of the page 
  • Search and select the customer 
  • Check the box on the far right in the Price Override column 
  • Scroll down to begin creating your estimate 
  • Once the pricing and program/services are selected, you'll see the option at the bottom of the screen to add your price overrides per service
  • Finally, either save as a draft, send through Spraye, or send through SignWell 
  • You're all set! 

Add Price Override to an Invoice

If you need to override the price per service on an already existing invoice, please navigate to your Active Invoices page and follow the steps below: 

  • Right click on the invoice number and open it in a new tab 
  • Enter a new amount for any/all services necessary 
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save
  • It's that easy! 

Remove/Change a Price Override

If you need to change or remove an existing price override, please follow the steps below or check out the video for further assistance: 

  • Navigate to the property profile. 
  • Scroll down to the Assign Program field 
  • Click the dropdown menu 
  • Deselect the program for which you need to change/remove the override
  • Click Save
  • Scroll back down to the Assign Program field 
  • Re-select the same program
  • Now, you'll be able to see the program at the bottom of the currently added programs with the active override box. 
  • Enter the new price override or leave it blank. 
  • Click Save