Spraye makes it easy to generate reports from a variety customer data points easily because it’s tracking and storing your data in real-time. Now, you can use the Marketing/Customer Data Report to set custom date ranges, boost your company's sales performance, and send mass marketing emails to your clients. For ease of use, we have broken this reporting tool into 3 main categories of filters: 

  1. Sales Details

  2. Customer & Property Attributes

  3. Programs & Services 

In this article, we will discuss each category and several ways you can obtain information based on your sales reporting needs. The tools provided will help you make data-informed decisions on how to best grow your business. Let’s get started! 

Sales Details

The first section of this report focuses on lead and revenue generation. Let’s take a look at what each filter means before we begin our search. 

Lead Created - A new customer (lead) is created in Spraye

Program Assigned - Your customer is assigned/added to a program

Canceled Program - Your customer has been removed from a program

Last Purchase Date - The last date a customer was added to a new program or service

TIP Hover over the “i” informational icons displayed at the top of the column for more information about how calculations are made. 

Check out a couple examples below on how to create reports using the Sales Details section. 

Example 1 Determine your churn rate. Not only will the churn report show you when your customers move on, but it can show you why by providing insights into cancellation trends. 

  • Choose your Canceled Program Date Range 

  • Choose the Cancel Reason 

  • Click Search 

  • The results will show you all customers who canceled a program within the specified time period and why. 

Example 2 If you’re tracking sources in Spraye, you can use this report to see which source is bringing in the most revenue for your company.  

  • Choose a Lead Created Date Range (YTD)

  • Choose a Source (Website)

  • Click Search 

  • The results will show all customers that discovered your company using your website. Download a CSV file to find the total YTD revenue for this specific list of customers. You may also want to look at which sources have most contributed to revenue growth over a certain period of time.  

Customer & Property Attributes

The second section focuses more on customer and property details. Do you need to search all of your active customers by grass type, property type, or customer tag? Maybe you need to see a list of all of your customers with their pre-service notifications currently turned off? There are numerous filter combinations to consider when creating your report. Let’s take a look at what each filter means before we begin our search. 

Customer Status - Active, On Hold, or Non-Active

Zip Code - Zip code for the property address

Service Area Geographical area or "route" that you define in the Spraye for scheduling & routing

Residential or Commercial - the property type chosen on the property profile

Lot Size - Use the Start and End fields to search for a range of property square footage. For Example: You may choose to search for properties that have square footage ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 sq ft. In this example, type "5,000" in the Lot Size Start field and "10,000" in the Lot Size End field. 

Pre-Service Notifications - these notification preferences are selected on the billing profile for each customer. You may filter this report based on the following: phone call, automated email, automated text, or text when en route. For more info, see: Pre-Service Notifications

  • Require All: If you have more than one pre-service notification selected for this filter and check the "Require All" box, the results will yield customers who have all of those notifications selected. For example: If you filter for phone call and automated emails without requiring all, Spraye will find all customers that have either one or both of these pre-service notifications. However, if you filter for phone call and automated emails with the "require all" selected, Spraye will only find customers who have both of those pre-service notifications. 

Tags - Custom tags are predetermined by you on the main company settings page. Filter for one or more tags here and use the "Require All" option if necessary. View the previous definition for more info on "Require All". 

Front Yard Grass Type - the type of grass chosen on the property profile

Back Yard Grass Type - the type of grass chosen on the property profile

Here are some examples of ways you can use these filters: 

Example 1 You may want to see the YTD revenue for all of your commercial properties that were part of your Basic Lawn Care program. 

  • Choose Active under Customer Status 

  • Choose Commercial for the property type

  • Choose the program in section 3

  • Click Search

Example 2 Determine customer lifetime value (CLV). This measures the amount of value that a new customer brings to your business. This metric is great for determining which service, program, or group of people is most valuable to your company. 

  • Choose a Lead Created Date Range in section 1

  • Narrow down your customer and property details in section 2 

  • Choose a program or service in section 3

  • Click Search 

Example 3 Are you using specific tags for your Mosquito or Grub Control customers? You can pull a report with all of your lawn care customers with a Mosquito Tag. 

  • Choose Active for the Customer Status 

  • Select the desired tag in the dropdown menu

  • Choose your program in section 3 

  • Click Search 

Programs & Services 

This section will act as a multi-use tool for your marketing & sales departments. Whether you’re sending out renewal emails for next year or upselling your customers on specialty services, these filters give you complete control. Let’s take a look at what each filter means before we begin our search. 

Outstanding Service(s) - Any services that are currently assigned to a customer, but have not been scheduled. 

Require All - When selected, results will show customers who have all of the filtered items. When not selected, results will show customers with any combination of the filtered items. 

Program(s) or Service(s) - Programs or services the customers are currently assigned to

# Number of Completed Services - This allows you to filter by which customers have a range of services completed in the given program(s) chosen.

Exclude Customers by Program - This option allows you to find all of your customers who do NOT currently have a specific program.

Previously Sold Services - choosing a service(s) here will filter your customer list to include only customers who have previously had this service assigned in a given date range, but do not currently have that service outstanding. Choose date range in the following two fields. 

Here are examples of ways you can use these filters: 

Example 1 Your marketing department may need to search all customers who are currently part of your Basic Lawn Care program, but have not yet signed up for your specialty services like Aeration and Overseeding. 

  • Choose Active for the Customer Status
  • Choose your Basic Lawn Care Program in the "Program(s) or Service(s)" field
  • Select your specialty services in the "Exclude Customer by Program" field 
  • Click Search
  • The results will show you all active customers that are currently assigned to the Basic Lawn program, but are not signed up for the specialty services you selected.  

Example 2 Need to see YTD and projected revenue for a specific program?

  • Enter the desired date range in the "YTD Revenue" field of the Sales Details section
  • Choose Active for the Customer Status
  • Choose your program in the "Program(s) or Service(s)" field
  • Click Search
  • The results will show the YTD revenue for your selected program and date range in the table below. 

NOTE If you choose more than one option in the dropdown menu and check the “Require All” box, the results will only show customers who have all of the selected options. An example of using this feature would be if you need to see all of your customers who are currently part of your Lawn Care program and also have grub control services. In this case, you wouldn’t see any customers who only have the lawn care program. They would be required to have both. 

Email Marketing OPTIONAL

Spraye provides the unique opportunity to send mass emails directly to your customers based on search results in the Marketing/Customer Data report. Use filters throughout the report to refine your email list depending on current programs, excluded programs, and previously sold services. Once you’ve narrowed down your list of customers, click the Send Email to List button and prepare your email.